Shechem and Samaria, capitals of Israel
Israel’s capital cities
The northern Jewish nation of Israel had three capitals. Shechem was the first. Samaria became the most famous...infamous because of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel who ruled there. Tirzah was capital in between the time of Jeroboam's Shechem and Samaria, built by Ahab's father, Omri.Shechem first
"King Jeroboam built up Shechem as his capital city, in the hills of Ephraim’s tribe. He did the same for the city of Peniel.Jeroboam’s fear
Jeroboam said, 'These tribes of Israel could very well reunite under a king from David’s family. If they continue their tradition of worshiping in Jerusalem, their hearts might draw them back to their legitimate king. If that happens, they’ll kill me first. And then King Rehoboam of Judah will welcome them back.'The solution: new worship centers
So, the king talked with his advisors about how to handle this problem. They agreed to create northern places for the people to worship. And they made two golden calves. Jeroboam told the people, 'Enough is enough. You’ve gone up to Jerusalem long enough. So, we’re bringing closer to home the gods who led you out of Egypt.'Golden calves again
He put one golden calf in a shrine he set up at Bethel. And he put another one in the far north, at Dan. The people of Israel worshiped at these shrines. It was a sinful thing to do. Jeroboam also built hilltop shrines throughout the land. And he appointed priests who were not from the tribe God had chosen for priests. God assigned men from the tribe of Levi—the Levites—to serve as priests for all the people." (1 Kings 12:25-32)For more Bible features
Stephen M. Miller's website , The Casual English Bible, and Bible YouTube channelShechem and Samaria