Capernaum Jesus’ ministry HQ
Jesus left his hometown of Nazareth, which was a village easily bypassed because it was hidden in a valley high above the sprawling Jezreel Valley. He moved a day's walk away, to the fishing village of Capernaum, on the north shore of a lake known as the Sea of Galilee. It wasn't a big shift that involved culture shock. As before, Jesus was moving among common folks: farmers, herders, fishermen. He didn't seem to gravitate toward the scholarly world of Jewish lawyers, writers, and teachers...groups of Jews know as scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees. These were Jewish communities as distinct as Christian denominations, such as Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians.Crossroads town with taxmen
Capernaum was a crossroads town. One of Jesus' disciples, Matthew, was a taxman who collected tolls from travelers and merchants passing through the area. Jesus met at least five of his dozen disciples there: Matthew, fishermen brothers Peter and Andrew, fishermen brothers James and John. The size of the village, excavated in 1905, was about 300 yards by 200 yards (275 by 183 meters). That's about 15 acres (or roughly a dozen football fields). In Jesus' day, perhaps 1,500 souls lived in and around the town.Bible events in Capernaum
In the Capernaum area:- Jesus healed a man lowered through the roof of a house to Jesus in a crowded room.
- Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law.
- Jesus healed the servant of a Roman commander of 100 soldiers.
- Peter caught a fish that had swallowed a coin that paid the taxes of Jesus and his disciples.
- Jesus taught in the synagogue.